2020 General Assembly: Bills We're Watching #12

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House and Senate Adjourned Until April 1, Plan to Meet that Day Before Adjournment until April 14 and 15

This list profiles the environmental, conservation, consumer and general government bills that the Kentucky Resources Council is supporting, opposing, and tracking during the 2020 General Assembly Regular Session. This year is a “long” session, and began on January 7, 2020, with a scheduled adjournment of April 15.  The General Assembly has adjourned until April 1, when it will meet for one day and then adjourn until April 14-15, when it will reconvene to consider any vetoes before adjourning sine die.

This wrap-up is complete through end of legislative day March 26th, 2020.

By Kentucky Resources Council on 03/27/2020 12:59 PM
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