Gathering Line Regulation Status

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Gathering Line Regulation Status  Posted: February 16, 2004
On February 11, the Administrative Regulation Review Subcommittee approved 805 KAR 1:190, a new regulation governing the installation and reclamation of areas disturbed in installing gathering line, which are the lines used to convey oil and gas from wellhead to production treatment or storage facilities. The regulation was required under a state law enacted in the 2003 legislative session, and is anticipated to take effect after review by a second legislative committee next month. While the regulation falls short in several areas, it does for the first time require that prior to installing any new gathering lines, the operator apply for a permit from the Division of Mines and Minerals in the new Environmental and Public Protection Cabinet, along with an operations and reclamation plan and emergency response plan. Additionally, citizens may request an inspection of a gathering line and issuance of administrative enforcement orders, including imminent danger cessation orders, and assessment penalties is provided. To read the regulation click here.
By Kentucky Resources Council on 02/16/2004 5:32 PM
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