KRC calls for full environmental assessment for EKPC Big Hill transmission line project in Berea

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The Big Hill to Three Links electric transmission line project proposed by East Kentucky Power Cooperative has sparked significant community concerns. In a recent letter to the USDA Rural Utilities Service, KRC urged the agency to reconsider the project's initial assessment and conduct a thorough Environmental Assessment (EA) or Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) due to the transmission line’s potentially significant environmental impacts. The Rural Utilities Service must ensure that EKPC meets all environmental obligations, including compliance with NEPA, the National Historic Preservation Act, and the Endangered Species Act.

EKPC’s proposed Big Hill line, spanning 8.5 miles in Jackson and Madison Counties and including a new substation, threatens valuable resources like the Berea College Forest. This project could impact drinking water sources, disrupt habitats crucial for species like the monarch butterfly, and impact wetlands that support local ecosystems. The important work of enhancing the grid to increase resilience and electrification can and must be achieved without irreversible degradation of significant environmental, cultural and historical values.

Read KRC's letter to the Rural Utilities Service here.

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