Legislative Advocacy

2024 The Good, Bad, & Ugly

Our annual report, The Good, Bad, & Ugly, presents the highs and lows of the 2024 Kentucky General Assembly.

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2024 Legislative Session: The Sine Die Edition

Read about the final disposition of the bills that the Kentucky Resources Council supported, opposed, and tracked during the 2024 General Assembly in Regular Session.

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KRC's Legislative Update: The Penultimate Edition

We're nearing the end of the legislative session and KRC's Legislative Update: The Penultimate Edition is available here: https://loom.ly/gUi97do. Learn where key bills stand as Kentucky legislators break for the veto period until April 12.

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Legislative Update Through March 29 2024

Every week during the 2024 General Assembly regular session, we have provided a synopsis of bills we're tracking, supporting, and opposing, Here is the update complete through end of day March 29. The General Assembly will return on April 12.

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Tell legislators to vote NO on Senate Bill 349 because it would raise utility bills for Kentucky ratepayers by stacking the PSC process against renewable energy, and in favor of keeping uneconomic, aging, and polluting fossil fuel power plants!

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Each week when the General Assembly is in session, KRC posts and updates a list and description of the bills and resolutions we're supporting, opposing, and tracking. This list is complete through end of day March 15, 2024.

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KRC Opposes Bill Weakening Local Control Over Noise From Bitcoin Mining Operations

In comments, KRC expressed concerns with a bill overriding local control over noise associated with digital asset (bitcoin) mining. KRC believes local communities are best suited to determine when and where such activities should be allowed.

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KRC Supports Resolution On PFAs Guidance

In a letter from KRC Staff Attorney Audrey Ernstberger, KRC expressed support for a resolution calling on the Energy and Environment Cabinet to offer guidance on request on strategies for addressing PFAs contamination in water discharges.

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KRC concerns regarding waste hauler bill shared with committees

In written testimony, KRC Staff Attorney Audrey Ernstberger shared KRC's concerns with HB 135, which limits agency access to waste hauler route information. KRC believes such information should be available under seal to the state regulators.

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KRC Opposes Resolution Declaring Kentucky A "Sanctuary State" From Federal Controls On Coal-fired Power Plants

In a letter to the sponsor and House Natural Resources Committee, KRC warns of possibility that resolution declaring Kentucky a "sanctuary" from federal air pollution controls on coal-fired power plants could provoke loss of air pollution program.

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Bill Limiting Provision Of Broadband By Municipal Utility Boards Opposed

KRC provided written and oral testimony in opposition to Senate Bill 220, which would seek to limit the ability of city joint water and electric boards to offer other public services such as broadband.

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Bill Selectively Moving Venue For Constitutional Cases Opposed

KRC provided written and oral testified in opposition to House Bill 804, which would arbitrarily and selectively mandate changes in venue for constitutional challenges to laws, regulations, and agency orders.

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Legislative Update #10 Complete through March 8, 2024

Each week when the General Assembly is in session, KRC posts and updates a list and description of the bills and resolutions we're supporting, opposing, and tracking. This list is complete through end of day March 8, 2024.

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KRC Testimony Suggests Changes To Solid Waste Bill On Access To Records

In comments to the Senate State and Local Government Committee, Staff Attorney Audrey Ernstberger suggested a better approach on HB 135 to shielding proprietary info on waste haulers information while allowing government access needed for planning.

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SB 349: Favoring Coal Interests Above Ratepayers And Environment

In testimony before the Senate Natural Resources and Energy Committee on March 6, 2024, KRC Staff Attorney Audrey Ernstberger outlined why KRC opposes SB 349, a bill that seeks to stem utility use of renewable energy and would increase utility rates.

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KRC Commentary Calls For Rejection Of Sludge Landfarming Regulations

In a commentary published by the Kentucky Lantern on March 7, KRC called on the Administrative Regulation Review Subcommittee to reject proposed changes to state regulations that would weaken standards for use of city sludges on farmlands.

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Legislative Update #9 Complete Through March 1, 2024

Each week when the General Assembly is in session, KRC posts and updates a list and description of the bills and resolutions we're supporting, opposing, and tracking. This list is complete through end of day March 1, 2024.

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KRC Shares Concerns With Sponsor And Committee On Lending Bill For Troubled Water Systems

In written comments, KRC Attorney Audrey Ernstberger shared concerns on parts of HB 563 providing a significant role for a non-governmental organization including rural water systems, in the selection of loans to troubled rural water systems.

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KRC Voices Concerns On HB 478, Which Allows Doubling Size Of CDD Landfills Lacking Key Protections

In written comments on House Bill 478, KRC Staff Attorney Audrey Ernstberger shared KRC concerns with allowing the doubling of size of construction/demolition landfills lacking liners and groundwater monitoring.

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2024 Legislative Update #8: Bills We're Watching, Complete Through February 23, 2024

The 2024 General Assembly has passed the halfway mark and KRC is again tracking environmental, conservation, consumer, energy, and general government bills and resolutions. This is the latest update on bills we're supporting, opposing and tracking.

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Working With Allies To Oppose Bill Lowering Safety for Underground Miners

HB 85 would reduce the number of emergency medical or mine emergency technicians required to be on shift from 2 to 1 for shifts with 10 or fewer underground miners. Reducing the required medical personnel compromises the safety of those miners.

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Legislative Alert #7 2024 General Assembly In Session

Each week we publish a summary of environmental, conservation, energy, and general government bills and resolutions of interest in the 2024 Session. This update of bills we're tracking, supporting, or opposing is complete through February 16, 2024.

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KRC Opposes Bill Criminalizing Citizen And Agency Pollution Monitoring

KRC presented testimony on February 13 against SB 16, which would make criminal the taking of photos or collecting of evidence by neighbors and government inspectors, of possible violations at food factories and animal feedlots.

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2024 Legislative Update #6 Complete Through February 9, 2024

The 2024 General Assembly is near the halfway mark and we are again advocating on and tracking environmental, conservation, consumer, energy, and general government bills and resolutions. This update is complete through February 9, 2024!

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Legislative Update #5 Complete Thru February 2 2024

Read about the bills that KRC is supporting, opposing, and tracking during the 2024 General Assembly in regular session.

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Legislative Update #4 Through January 26, 2024

KRC's Legislative Update #4, summarizing and explaining the bills and resolutions we're supporting, opposing, and tracking, is now posted for your review and action!

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KRCs opposition to bill exempting environmental audit violations in the news.

In written and oral testimony, KRC has recently opposed the extension of the existing "environmental audit" privilege to Jefferson County's air pollution program. KRC seeks to assure that such exemptions don't incentivize pollution.

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Legislative Update 3: Complete Through January 19!

Since 1984, KRC has tracked the General Assembly's work on bills and issues affecting your environment. Our weekly update on legislative actions affecting energy and the environment, complete through January 19, is ready for your review and action!

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KRC Voices Concerns With Environmental Audit Bill

KRC testifies regarding bill extending state environmental audit evidentiary privilege to cover Jefferson County air pollution program.

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2024 Legislative Update 2

KRC's Legislative Update #2, complete through end of day January 12, 2024

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Mar,20 2023

2023 Legislative Update #7

We at the Council are continuing to track environmental, conservation, consumer, energy, and general government bills and resolutions. We also publish this notice on our website weekly throughout the Session with updates on the bills...

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Mar,13 2023

2023 Legislative Update #6

There's only 6 legislative days remaining in the 2023 General Assembly and there are bills that need YOUR voice. Call today to oppose SB 226 and HB 4.

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Mar,11 2023

2023 Action Alert #3

Please act this weekend. Without your voice of opposition this bill could be voted on by the house early next week!

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Mar,10 2023

SB 213 - Assure Land Application of Sludge Doesn't Result in Contaminated Crops

SB 213 seeks to bring together the parties on an issue and to find a workable process for agency review and decisions on requests for approval to land apply municipal sewage sludges.

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Mar,10 2023

SB 226 - Weakening Protections for Endangered Species & Water Quality

SB 2 bill interferes substantially with the Cabinet’s ability to properly apply the state water quality standards when writing permits for discharges into waters with federally protected species.

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Mar,10 2023

SB245 - Ensure Affordable Utility Rates for Kentuckians

SB245 would allow significant expenditures for various capital projects with little to no meaningful PSC scrutiny.

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Mar,04 2023

2023 Legislative Alert #5

The 2023 General Assembly is underway! We at the Council are once again tracking environmental, conservation, consumer, energy, and general government bills and resolutions. We will publish this notice on our website weekly throughout the Session...

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Mar,03 2023

Action Alert - SB4, SB226, & HB4

ACTION ALERT! Act Today To Protect Kentucky Landowners, Utility Ratepayers, and Our Rivers & Streams Call 1-800-372-7181 and leave a message for your legislators.

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Mar,02 2023

2023 Testimony on SB226

SB226 would significantly interfere with protection of streams with federally-protected Threatened and Endangered Species by preventing Kentucky from properly applying its water quality standards when permitting discharges into streams cont

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Mar,02 2023

2023 Testimony on HB40

Tom FitzGerald, lobbyist for the Kentucky Resources Council provides testimony in opposition to HB40, and to ask that you not advance the bill to the floor in Kentucky General Assembly 2023.

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Feb,27 2023

2023 Testimony on HB4

There are two bases for our opposition – (1) the lack of need for the bill, (2) the constitutional problems with the attempt to delegate legislative and judicial authority to the Office of the Attorney General, and the incursion...

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Feb,24 2023

2023 Action Alert - HB4

Please Ask Your Senator - Improve HB 4 To Protect Landowners during the 2023 General Assembly.

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Feb,24 2023

2023 Legislative Update #4

The 2023 General Assembly is underway and we at the Kentucky Resources Council are once again tracking environmental, conservation, consumer, energy, and general government bills and resolutions. We will publish this notice on our website weekly.

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Feb,17 2023

2023 Legislative Update #3

The 2023 General Assembly is underway! We at the Council are once again tracking environmental, conservation, consumer, energy, and general government bills and resolutions. We will publish this notice on our website weekly throughout the Session wit

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2023 Legislative Update #2

KRC'S 2nd Legislative Update for the 2023 General Assembly looks out the most pressing environmental, energy, and public health bills.

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Jan,06 2023

2023 Legislative Update #1

The 2023 Kentucky General Assembly has begun and we at the Kentucky Resources Council are once again tracking environmental, conservation, consumer, energy, and general government bills and resolutions.

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2022 Legislative Update #14

The final disposition of bills and resolution on which KRC took a position is here. Note that for several bills that were passed April 13 or 14th for the first time, they may be subject to veto during the next ten days.

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Mar,27 2022

2022 Legislative Update #10

The 2022 General Assembly has begun and we at the Kentucky Resources Council are once again tracking environmental, conservation, consumer, energy, and general government bills and resolutions.

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Mar,27 2022

2022 Legislative Update #9

This year is a “long” 60-legislative day session and began on January 4, 2022, with an anticipated final day on April 14, 2022. The General Assembly will not be in session on these dates: February 21, March 14, 21, and 28th.

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Mar,27 2022

2022 Legislative Update #8

The 2022 General Assembly has begun and we at the Kentucky Resources Council are once again tracking environmental, conservation, consumer, energy, and general government bills and resolutions.

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Feb,25 2022

2022 Legislative Update: #7

Kentucky Resources Council is once again tracking environmental, conservation, consumer, energy, and general government bills and resolutions during the 2022 General Assembly.

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2022 Legislative Update #5

This year is a “long” 60-legislative day session and began on January 4, 2022, with an anticipated final day on April 14, 2022. The General Assembly will not be in session on these dates: February 21, March 14, 21, and 28th.

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Feb,04 2022

2022 Legislative Update #4

There are only 38 days remaining in the 2022 Regular Session. Catch up on the environmental, energy, and public health bills we're supporting and opposing and then make a plan to contact your legislator!

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Jan,28 2022

2022 Legislative Update: #3

There are 42 days remaining in the 2022 session! You can read now the environmental, energy, and public health bills we're tracking through our third legislative update.

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Jan,26 2022

Action Alert: Ask to Oppose HB341

HB 341 threatens higher utility costs for residential, commercial, and industrial customers, and threatens to damage economic development and job creation due to increased rates and charges.

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Jan,23 2022

2022 Legislative Update #2

Find the bills we're tracking. This summary is complete through end of legislative day 13, January 21, 2022. There are 47 legislative days remaining in the 2022 Regular Session.

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Jan,21 2022

2022 Legislative Update: #1

The 2022 General Assembly has begun KRC is once again tracking environmental, conservation, consumer, energy, and general government bills and resolutions.

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Apr,26 2021

2021 Legislative Update: The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly

As we have after each legislative session since 1984, we present “The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly” - the highs and lows of the 2021 General Assembly in Regular Session.

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Mar,31 2021

2021 Legislative Update: #9

The Kentucky General Assembly reconvened March 29 and 30th for two final days and adjourned sine die (until January 2022 unless called into Special Session by the Governor before then) on March 30.

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Mar,29 2021

2021 Legislative Update: Action Alert 4 on HB272

Please email today and call Monday morning and ask Kentucky Representatives and Senators to "Let the veto of HB 272 stand." Take a minute to give yourself a hand, because you've done GREAT so far. Your calls and emails helped convince the Governor...

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Mar,19 2021

2021 Legislative Update: Action Alert 3 on HB272

House Bill 272 has gotten a lot of press because it allows small rural Water Districts and Water Associations to charge at 10% late fee on water bills, and prevents the Public Service Commission, which regulates them, from disallowing those late fees

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Mar,18 2021

2021 Legislative Update: #8

TWO DAYS LEFT! WHAT'S GOING ON IN FRANKFORT? This list profiles the environmental, conservation, consumer, and general government bills that the Kentucky Resources Council is supporting, opposing, and tracking during the 2021 General Assembly...

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Mar,16 2021

2021 Legislative Update: #7

This list profiles the environmental, conservation, consumer, and general government bills that the Kentucky Resources Council is supporting, opposing, and tracking during the 2021 General Assembly Regular; complete through the end of day March 12. 

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Mar,09 2021

2021 Legislative Update: #6

This list profiles the environmental, conservation, consumer, and general government bills that the Kentucky Resources Council is supporting, opposing, and tracking during the 2021 General Assembly Regular Session. This list is current thru March 5.

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Feb,26 2021

2021 Legislative Update: #5

This list profiles the environmental, conservation, consumer, and general government bills that the Kentucky Resources Council is supporting, opposing, and tracking during the 2021 General Assembly Regular Session. This year is a “short” session...

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Feb,16 2021

2021 Legislative Update #4

This edition includes updates on those bills passed by the General Assembly during the first week which have either been vetoed or have become law since the GA recessed (there is only one, SB 9), and those whose veto has been overridden...

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Feb,05 2021

2021 Legislative Update #3

2021 Legislative Update: 3rd Edition. This edition includes updates on those bills passed by the Kentucky General Assembly during the 1st week which have either been vetoed or have become law since the General Assembly recessed.

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Jan,14 2021

2021 Legislative Update #2

This list profiles the environmental, conservation, consumer and general government bills that the Kentucky Resources Council is supporting, opposing, and tracking during the 2021 General Assembly Regular Session. This year is a “short” session, and

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Jan,11 2021

2021 Legislative Update #1

Kentucky's 2021 General Assembly is now in session and KRC is working hard to monitor the environmental, energy, and public health bills. Catch up on week 1.

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2020 General Assembly: The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly

As we have for each legislative session since 1984, we look back on the bills that KRC supported and opposed during the recently ended 2020 General Assembly Regular Session. With apologies to Clint Eastwood, here is The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly.

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2020 General Assembly: Bills We're Watching #14

This list profiles the environmental, conservation, consumer and general government bills that the Kentucky Resources Council supported, opposed, and tracked during the 2020 General Assembly Regular Session, complete through adjournment sine die.

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2020 General Assembly: Bills We're Watching #13

This list profiles the environmental, conservation, consumer and general government bills that the Kentucky Resources Council is supporting, opposing, and tracking during the 2020 General Assembly Regular Session, complete through April 1, 2020.

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2020 General Assembly: Bills We're Watching #12

This list profiles the environmental, conservation, consumer and general government bills that the Kentucky Resources Council is supporting, opposing, and tracking during the 2020 General Assembly Regular Session, complete through March 27.

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2020 General Assembly: Bills We're Watching #11

Read about the environmental, conservation, consumer and general government bills that the Kentucky Resources Council is supporting, opposing, and tracking during the 2020 General Assembly Regular Session, complete through March 19th, 2020.

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2020 General Assembly: Bills We're Watching #10

This list profiles the environmental, conservation, consumer and general government bills that the Kentucky Resources Council is supporting, opposing, and tracking during the 2020 General Assembly Regular Session.

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2020 General Assembly: Bills We're Watching #9

Every week, KRC profiles the environmental, conservation, consumer and general government bills that the Kentucky Resources Council is supporting, opposing, and tracking during the 2020 General Assembly Regular Session. Current through March 6.

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2020 General Assembly: Bills We're Watching #8

This list profiles the environmental, conservation, consumer and general government bills that the Kentucky Resources Council is supporting, opposing, and tracking during the 2020 General Assembly Regular Session, complete through February 28th.

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2020 General Assembly: Bills We're Watching: #7

Read more about the environmental, conservation, consumer and general government bills that the Kentucky Resources Council is supporting, opposing, and tracking during the 2020 General Assembly Regular Session.

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2020 General Assembly: Bills We're Watching #6

This list profiles the environmental, conservation, consumer and general government bills that the Kentucky Resources Council is supporting, opposing, and tracking during the 2020 General Assembly Regular Session, complete through February 14, 2020.

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2020 General Assembly: Bills We're Watching #5

This list profiles the environmental, conservation, consumer and general government bills that the Kentucky Resources Council is supporting, opposing, and tracking during the 2020 General Assembly, through February 7, 2020.

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2020 General Assembly: Bills We're Watching #4

Read the 4th edition of the 2020 General Assembly: Bills We're Watching.

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2020 General Assembly: Legislative Update Week #3

2020 General Assembly: Legislative Update Week #3. Catch up on what's happened this week.

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KRC Voices Concerns With House Bill 247

KRC Expresses Concerns With Exempting Municipal Electricity And Natural Gas Purchases And Sales From Competitive Bidding

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